Yeah, yeah, yeah, I haven’t posted in like 3 months. That is A QUARTER OF A YEAR, during which a lot has happened: I can walk like a champ, I eat approximately an entire horse every day, and I can say the following words (this list is not inclusive):
Bus (I have a thing for vehicles)
And some others. I also know what the horse, cow, dog, cat, sheep, and dinosaur all say.
Even better, I know the sign language for eat, drink, milk, please, more, and “all done.” I am the smartest baby since Johannes Kepler. ON TO THE PICS! As usual, if you click on the thumb, you get the web-friendly 1200×800 shot, and if you click the Superbig version, you get a nearly 5MB photo suitable for enlargement. Not that I’m not already large enough…
Nathaniel’s always getting me in trouble.
Grumps isn’t much better.
And Mommy is clearly insane.
Horsey ride!
With my cousin Jacqueline and my Großoma! (Great-grandmother.)
Then Aunt Dar joined us and things got out of hand.
Hello, lunch!
Once again, Nathaniel causes me to get in trouble.
At Zachary’s birthday party!
Daddy and I like to fling each other around.
O hi!
Messin’ with Uncle Bill!
Mmmm…skillet cake.
A chicken!
I told Miss Henna a joke.
Mr. Shaun and I are heck of handsome.
Eatin’ watermelon with No
lan. Mmmm…food.
I am the king of this…thing!
Slidin’, with Mommy’s help.
Hey, what do you want done with all this dirt? Should I leave it, or bring it into the car?
Hey back there!
Wrasslin’ with Oma.