August 28th, 2007

It’s been a while ’cause we at Team Hearn are so UNBELIEVABLY busy what with chasing me around to prevent me from bashing my enormous head into things. At least that’s what Daddy says. Anyway, he finally found time to help me upload some more pictures, so here they are.

So far, I’ve taken to walking in short bursts; if I have to get anywhere fast, I find it’s best to crawl. I can say things like “Kitty” and “Clock,” and, occasionally, “Dirt.” Yay!

Here I take a break from abusing Poly the Cat to pose for a quick snap:

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I LOVE swimming!

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I LOVE grinning! Evilly!

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Even when Grumps puts napkins on my head, it doesn’t damper my mood.

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Hangin’ out with my friend Jenny T:

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Mmmm…sand. That’s a quality side dish.

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Working on my Camilo Villegas putting crouch:

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Getting into trouble with my cousin Nathaniel:

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Working on the #1 summer jam of 2008!

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What? Plastic is tasty.

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Mommy and me!

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I LOVE to sing songs with Oma:

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Aunt Kristy has a big bump on her belly. Nobody could satisfactorily explain to me why this is.

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I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE Aunt Kristy’s fluffy giraffe. He and I were friends all weekend!

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Grumps and his boys:

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Simon wanted to give me a kiss. I wasn’t so sure about the idea. Mommy was pretty grossed out, though, which made it all okay!

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I got to sneak a quick ride on Nathaniel’s new tractor (he just turned 2!). Good times!

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July 21st, 2007

This is an unusually small post, put up by specific request of Oma and Grumps: teaming up for malfeasance!

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July 10th, 2007

New pics! Oooooooh yeah. Warning: the full-size pictures are RIDICULOUSLY full-size, as in up to 4MB apiece. Suitable for printing, but if you’re on dialup, you’re gonna wait a while.

I met a Bob Marley dog at a picnic!

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And got into trouble, as is my wont:

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I showed a little trepidation at the beach…

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but boy do I love the ocean!

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I also like pools, even when they aren’t filled up:

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Grumps got my nose!

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This is the face I use to scare away girls:

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Mommy and Daddy are so rad. I dunno about Daddy’s hair, though.

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I’m an athuhlete!

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Nathaniel and I aren’t as troublesome as our reputation would lead you to believe.

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I learned a new trick!

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I like my box almost as much as my pool!

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May 31st, 2007

Happy birthday to ME!!!! I’m a year old, a year smarter, and a year heavier, according to Daddy, who keeps saying that he’s developing something called “guns” from carrying me around all the time. I guess that’s good, right? Here’s a HYUUUUGE batch of pictures. As usual, click on ’em to see ’em full size.

UPDATE: I added some links to the SUPERDUPER fullsize photos, about 4MB apiece, for those of you (Grumps) that like to print them out.

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April 13th, 2007

I know it hasn’t been my usual 6 weeks between posts, but I’ve got so much awesome stuff to share!

Uncle Kyle and Aunt Kristy came to visit!

I was very excited.

For Easter we went out to Aunt Nanette’s and Uncle Michael’s farm in Lancaster, where I got to be tickled by my Oma:

And my first-cousin-once-removed (look it up) Jessica!

I also go to chase Cody around. He, um, didn’t stick around much.

And my OTHER Uncle Michael got to load me up with tasty beverage.

After a while I got sleepy, so while I took a quick beauty nap, my cousin Nathaniel took over the task of entertaining the adults.

And some of the kids, like his buddy Paul!

Then Nathaniel took off his pants. Yeah, I dunno. That boy’s crazy.

Then we did a little exploring outside…

And met a new friend! I call him Lunch.

When we got home, Daddy put the camera to work taking some artsy fartsy shots of me.

This is after Daddy gave me some beer. (Just kidding! Don’t call Social Services!)

April 5th, 2007

Daddy reminded me that I hadn’t posted anything in a while, so here’s a BIG post of pictures! First, me with Unkie Jub:

Giving The Cheat a smooch:

Tickle time!


Everybody has bad hair days:

Loungin’ in grandpa’s favorite chair:

I want CANDY!

I would like a snack, please!

I do like Grandma, but would still like a snack.

Sharing a smooch with Nolan! Nolan’s daddy was concerned by this, I think.

Lookin’ for cars!

February 23rd, 2007

I love tub time!

Daddy and Charles, the slack-jawed yokels!

Daddy said something about having a son so he wouldn’t have to worry about keeping a little girl off the pole. What does that mean?

Mmmm…plastic cookie.

Mmmm…bzzzy bee.

I love my mommy!

And I love my The Cheat!

Daddy and Grumps and I aren’t so good at all looking at the camera at the same time.

Heehee…I learned a new trick!

Daddy’s very proud of this picture for some reason.

February 1st, 2007

More photos!

Auntie Sarah is HECK OF FUN!

I like to play in my saucer.


Daddy caught me mid-sneeze, I think.

So I was tellin’ Gladys, Gladys, I says, that man is a ROVER. I real dog, I says.

Giving the undercarriage a bit of a scrub.

January 21st, 2007

Me with Uncles Craig, Kas, and Brian:

I’m a little angel!

With Aunt Jodi:

And Aunt Karen:

Uncle Craig again. I like his chain!

Aunt Jodi, while Uncle Kyle protects his groin from something:

Uncles Kas and Craig:

Mrs. Anderson and I communicating via ESP:

January 20th, 2007

Daddy bought a new camera. 🙂